freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed. a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads. the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings). better arm64 disassembler and assembler. mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name. mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform. mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's. disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not. assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax, over mov rax,. ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now. ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well. ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list. ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers.
ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable. ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft. ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard. pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update. autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well. autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails. lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring). network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server. netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI. ceserver: added change memory protection capability. ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector). made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton.
lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode). lua: show a stacktrace on execution error. added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd. codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results. memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually. added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now. added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center. make some error messages more descriptive. reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed.
(should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned) added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory.added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location).removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool.